SEE and-in the media - Part 10
[ SEE and-in the media ]
Just in case somebody was wondering if the British press ever wrote something nice or at least okay about Albanians:
Yes they do, sometimes. Only recently, Time Out London has published this article on Brikena Muharemi, a successful barrister from Kosovo. Including some tips how and where to find the Albanian community - restaurants, cafés, writers and music clubs.....
Funny for me was to find out that there is no 'little Albania' or anything the like in London (yet), but that the largest concentration of Albanians lives in Haringey..and guess where I'm moving to in october.. . Right. Haringey. So it seems like I'll find more to blog about, instead of Vienna and the Balkans it'll be more London and the Balkans...yeah.
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The imagineSEE-weblog is a space about ideas, images, (re)inventions and (re)constructions of and about the Balkans, from outside and within SEE.
Any comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, please use "Reply" at the end of each posting or post directly to Sabine Ballata.

This is a part of the collage 'The Black File' by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic, who will be represented at documenta 12 (16/6-23/9) in Kassel this year.
