Jobs - Part 14
[ Jobs ]
The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS), located at Central European University in Budapest, is looking for a short-term (part time) research assistant on "Integration Perspectives and Expected Synergic Effects in the Countries Targeted by EU Enlargement and Neighborhood Policies". Deadline: 31 July 2007.The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS), located at Central European University in Budapest, was established in 2005. During its two years of operation it has held international conferences and workshops, won several international and domestic grants and carried out research on topics concerning the effects of previous enlargements as well as the likely changes entailed by upcoming ones. For more information on specific programs of the Center, please visit:
CENS will be carrying out a major research project entitled "Integration Perspectives and Expected Synergic Effects in the Countries Targeted by EU Enlargement and Neighborhood Policies."
The aim of the project is to provide a basic overview of the political and economic transformation processes of the Balkan countries and European CIS countries, to assess the reform processes triggered by the attraction of the European integration and its norms, and to forecast potential development paths of the countries concerned.
Topics to be researched include the political transformation process, the economic convergence process, socio-economic implications of the welfare model in catching-up countries, and relations of individual countries with the EU.
Geographical scope of the project includes
* the two newest EU member states (Romania and Bulgaria),
* countries covered by enlargement policy (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania),
* countries targeted by EU neighborhood policy (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus)
* and Russia.
Tasks of the Research Assistant
* review existing research materials, documents and publications on the countries covered by the project,
* establish and maintain contact with researchers from the region throughout the duration of the project,
* deal with administrative tasks concerning the contracting of researchers,
* following-up on the progress of reports from contract agents
* occasionally, s/he may travel to events held in countries covered by the project.
Working hours are flexible that can be adjusted to the agenda of the applicant. However, as the research assistant will communicate intensely with foreign experts by e-mail and telephone, s/he will be using the infrastructure provided by CENS, therefore a continuous presence in Budapest is required throughout the duration of the project.
The position is open for a period of 3 to 6 months, starting 1 September, 2007 the latest.
* MA degree in a relevant field (international relations, economics, political science, public policy)
* A basic knowledge of the European integration, enlargement and neighborhood policy issues
* A good understanding and skill level of basic software applications: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.
* Fluency in English, and knowledge of Russian and/or Serbian and/or Romanian is required, as is the additional knowledge of any other language of the countries covered by the project
* Availability of 15-20 hours/week
Financial arrangements:
Remuneration of the part-time research assistant is to be discussed with the applicant.
To apply for the position, please send your CV and motivation letter to Anna Reich at until 31 July, 2007. Personal interviews will take place in Budapest during the month of August, 2007.
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