Kosova-o - Part 40

posted by julia on 2006/09/11 23:31

[ Kosova-o ]

The Financial Times published a transcript of a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and foreign academics and journalists on 9.9.2006. In this long interview-like transcript, Putin reiterated (amongst others) the Russian position on Kosovo:
"As far as Kosovo is concerned we have (UN) Resolution 1244 and we cannot manipulate or ignore the Security Council decisions. Also our actions in this respect should be coordinated certainly and care should be taken of all interests in the process. One can't apply one rule to Kosovo and other rules to other situations. In what way is the Kosovo situation different from the Abkhazia situation or the South Ossetia situation. In nothing. They are no different. If we start to manipulate the situation we will find problems. People will feel disappointed and disillusioned."
"In Kosovo, we have to think about what's going to happen in future if Kosovo's independence is recognized... We heard it said things would be alright in Iraq but in Iraqi Kurdistan only the Kurdish flag is raised." (...)

Mr Putin returned to the question of Kosovo. "I don't know whether we will make the timing the resolution (which the US has suggested could happen this year) or what it will look like. But we will seek to use the rules of international relations so that they can be applied to all regions of the world. We will be guided by the interests of the participants in international relations in Europe including Serbia. And if the solution would not acceptable to us we will not hold back from using our right of veto." [note: Mr. Putin refers to the US-proposal of a new resulution, cf. this blog, 10.9.2006]



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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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