Readings - Part 2
[ Readings ]
The “Victims of War” project was conducted in 2004 by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany. It was supported by many NGOs and universities as well as by the Hamburg Foundation for Social Research. The aim of the project was to deliver explorative empirical data on the topic of macro-victimization in wars and to close a major research gap in the important areas of conflict resolution, transitional justice research, and especially victimology / criminology.The study (pdf-document) is based on a sample of 990 carefully selected war-victims in 11 different world regions (including: BiH (Republika Srpska/Federation), Cambodia, Southern Sudan, Kosovo, Croatia, FYROM, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Afghanistan, Philippines and the DR Congo). It deals with victimization experiences due to warfare and victims´ attitudes towards aspects of transitional justice, covering the areas of prosecution of war crimes, reparation and alternative means of conflict resolution. The publication consists of three parts, including a vast theoretical and methodological section, an international comparative part and a macrovictimological part. (source: HIS-webpage and email from one of the authors on the Balkan Academic Network mailing list)
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