Kosova-o - Part 27
[ Kosova-o ]
Members of the Kosovo-Albanian Movement for Self-Determination (Vetevendosja) damaged about 20 cars of the UN Mission in Kosovo in front of the UN HQ in Prishtina yesterday (cf. Der Standard, 21.4.2006). Since 2004, the Vetevendosja-movement, lead by activist Albin Kurti, co-founder of the NGO Kosovo Action Network, has been demanding the departure of the UN and independence without status negotiations.A. Kurti's criticism of the UN Mission is echoed by numerous recent articles in Kosovar newspapers on corruption scandals involving international officials (cf. an article by the paper Express, translated by ECIKS, 13.4.2006).
Nevertheless, Vetevendosja also directs its criticsm against local politicians: A Vetevendosja pamphlet from February 2006 shows the members of the negotiation group with the headline "wanted - dead or alive": "Levizja Shqiptare per VETEVENDOSJE nuk eshte e kenaqur me menyren se si grupi shqiptar per negociata me Serbine po tregon vullnetin e mire me u ul me SERBINE me nje tavoline, pa kerkuar FALJE qeveria Serbe per krimet e bera ne KOSOVE... " (The Albanian Movement for Self-Determination is not satisfied with the manner in which the Albanian group for negotiations with Serbia shows good will to sit with Serbia at one table, without demanding an excuse from the Serbian government for the crimes committed in Kosovo...)
The tension is rising before the 4th round of status negotiations in Vienna on 4th May (cf. this blog, 6.4.2006). The talks will continue to focus on decentralisation, and especially on Mitrovica, a town divided by the river Ibar in a Northern Kosovo-Serb and a Southern Kosovo-Albanian part. While the Belgrade delegation insists on the creation on two separate municipalities, the Prishtina delegation wants to keep one town with two districts (cf. Deutsche Welle, 19.4.2006). The positions of the two delegations on the status question are still completely opposed. Both sides fear violence at the end of the negotiations: from the Kosovo-Albanians if Kosovo does not get independence, and from the Kosovo-Serb side if it does (cf. Jungle World, 12.4.2006).
Photo: Vetevendosja-grafitti in Prishtina: "Jo negociata, vetevendosje!" (No negotiations, self-determination!), (c) Julia Nietsch
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