Kosova-o - Part 26

posted by julia on 2006/04/22 22:05

[ Kosova-o ]

Will the UN soon be replaced by the EU in Kosovo? On 10 April 2006, the EU foreign ministers decided to establish an EU expert Planning Team to design the future involvement of the EU in Kosovo after the end of the status talks (which will mean the end of the mandate of the UN Mission in Kosovo). The EU plans to take over crisis management tasks in the field of policing and rule of law. The EU's mission in Kosovo could become the EU's biggest civilian and security mission (cf. EU Observer, 11.4.2006).

Nevertheless, some UN officials think the EU might still need the UN to monitor the situation in North Kosovo (cf. Reuters, 19.4.2006), which is particularly instable, as recent violence in Mitrovica revealed (some examples from March 2006: Kosovo-Serbian houses were destroyed in the village of Svinjare, two bombs were thrown at the house of a Kosovo-Serb and caused material damage, and a 19-year-old boy was wounded by a knife attack).

Photo: UN police officier in the "police street", near the UN HQ Prishtina, April 2006, (c) Julia Nietsch


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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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