Kosova-o - Part 3

posted by beni on 2005/11/20 01:39

[ Kosova-o ]

Education and perceptions .... ......

When asked whether Serb pupils would be accepted, the response by this school director was, “Of course. School is for all children. It is not for adults or for politics.”
---Albanian school director

…Much time we need, many generations to grow up and to be directed well…because we are not good in living with people who differ that much from us. I think that is the point. When I say we I think Serbs. About others I don’t want to speak…
---Serbian school teacher

(Prepared by Prof. Dr. Karmit Zysman, Study Exploring Potential Engagement in Peace Promotion, Conflict Transformation, Inclusion, and Improvement of Majority-Minority Interaction in the Education Sector. For GTZ, Sector Project “Education and Conflict Transformation” and GTZ Kosovo, Pristina, March 2005)



This weblog is a forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. We would also like to use this space to create a virtual network of researchers on this topic. You are most welcome to contribute to this weblog with comments, postings, links, or photos. Please use the "add comment" function at the end of each posting!
All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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