Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 86

posted by nedad on 2007/07/12 11:16

[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]

The Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt, Department of Sociology and The Croatian Association for Life-log Learning announce
The Second International Symposium on "Knowledge Region: The Alps-Adriatic Challenges"

The symposium will be held in Klagenfurt (Austria) on September 28-29, 2007. Deadline for proposals: August 25, 2007.
The Sympsium seeks to continue the fruitful discussions and insights on the topics of knowledge and information society, as well as knowledge-based economic and social development of the region.

The objective of the Klagenfurt symposium is to strengthen the understanding of the existing insights and results of the previous symposium in Šibenik (Croatia) and to explore the new roles of knowledge in the overall development of the Alps-Adriatic regions from a multidisciplinary point of view.

Potential authors are invited to contribute to the Symposium by submitting papers on (but not
limited to) one of the following topics:

  • Conceptual issues related to the topic of knowledge society and practical
    challenges related to their implementation in the Alps-Adriatic societies and
  • Information society vs. knowledge society – is there a difference?
  • Knowledge-based initiatives for the social development of local communities
  • Communities in cyberspace: Perspectives of the "cyber-society" in the Alps-
    Adriatic region
  • The role of educational institutions in promoting knowledge-based social
    development of the region
  • Higher education and the Bologna process: Heading toward the regional
    knowledge-based society (or not)?
  • Life-long learning in the Alps-Adriatic region: The fundamental driver of the
    knowledge-based social development?
  • Knowledge-based economic development: Conceptual and practical issues
  • Knowledge-intensive vs. resource-intensive economic and social development:
    Knowledge paradigm and environmental protection in the region
  • High-tech and knowledge-based entrepreneurship: Overcoming local obstacles
  • E-commerce, e-business, e-government and e-society in the Alps-Adriatic:
    Regional themes and perspectives
  • The role of local government and public administration in developing the
    knowledge region
  • The role of nonprofit organizations and civil society in developing the knowledge
  • Inter-sectoral cooperation in promoting the knowledge-based economy and

Potential authors are invited to submit an abstract in English (in German and English, if
the full paper is to be written in German, or in Croatian and English, if the full paper is to be
written in Croatian) of up to 350 words on one of (but not limited to) the proposed topics, not
later than 25. August 2007 for the Second symposium. Abstracts should clearly state the
purpose, methodology, research results and relevance for the overall topic of the Symposium.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Josef Langer (please address all enquiries to Ms. Meehan)

All correspondence should be sent to:
University of Klagenfurt, Department of Sociology, Attn. Ms. Karen Meehan,
Universitaätsstr. 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria, Phone: +43 (0) 463 2700 3402,
Fax: +43 (0) 463 2700 3499, Email:



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