Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 63
posted by olivera on 2006/05/04 12:21
[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]
Am 29. und 30. September 2006 finden an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt das Symposion "Where do we go? Social science approaches to understanding the European Union" statt.Aus dem Call for Papers:
It is the main objective of the symposium to investigate and discuss how different social science paradigms provide instruments to better understand the character of the European Union as such (macro perspective) and thus the direction of its possible evolution. So far this task has mainly been taken on by representatives of globalization theory (Albrow), network theory (Castells) and ideological visionaries (Rifkin). These approaches have in common that they basically all point the EU in the same direction. Although the symposium will discuss these conventional approaches as well, we particularly invite scholars who draw their ideas about the EU from other paradigms (e.g. post-structuralists, post-Marxists). Whereas the main objective is to fathom out the capacity of different social theories for understanding the EU, to present speculative ad hoc scenarios and empirical research about the future of the EU will also be possible, not least in order to stimulate the theoretical discussions.
Den vollständigen Text des Calls finden sie hier.
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