Sind Weblogs Monster? | Are Weblogs Monsters? - Part 20

posted by usha on 2006/03/29 01:47

[ Sind Weblogs Monster? | Are Weblogs Monsters? ]

Kakanien revisited has a new category of articles: Emergenzen //.

This section contains contributions from the "Emergence"-Series of Workshops, organised by the Internet Platform Kakanien revisited and the Institute of German Literatures and Languages of the Eötvös-Loránd-University in Budapest (Emergenzen 1, August 11./12., 2005; Emergenzen 2, December 01.-03, 2005; Emergenzen 3, February 02.-04, 2006).

The contributions cover theoretical thoughts on media configurations and case studies on new media networks and peripheral media phenomena and their innovative capacities in Central and South-Eastern Europe. A particular focus is placed on emergent configurations in the areas theatre, film, journalism, new media.

So far, the category started with two articles: I put an article on Montenegro online, Ansichten, Aussichten und Vor-Fahren. Blickweisen auf Montenegro um 1900 // 2000, and Karin Harrasser is dealing with the poetics of Weblogs: Was aus der Mitte flüchtet. Sind Weblogs Archive des "schwebenden Urteils"?. Soon, there will be more articles in German language.

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