Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 53

posted by usha on 2006/02/10 09:38

[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]

Special issue, Rhizomes 13: "Feminism's Others" is forthcoming.

As with Rhizomes 7, Theory's Others, this special issue will provide a space for theorists whose work falls outside the usual academic boundaries, but here the focus will be on feminist thought. In that feminism fundamentally aims to correct misconceptions about women in order to bring about social and cultural gender equality, feminists must represent - and circulate representations - of women as a group, which would be impossible without making some general statements about women.

Most feminist activists inside and outside academy recognize women's diversity and try to be inclusive rather than defining the group called "women" by exclusion. However, in practice, feminist generalizations about women often do exclude certain types of behavior, desires, self-images, histories, creative and intellectual pursuits. I am particularly interested in hearing from women whose work concerns what seems denied or even abjected by the dominant/majoritist trends in feminist theory today.

Send submissions to Carol Siegel, abstracts due by March 15th.
Final submissions due by January 1st, 2007.



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