Stellenauschreibung | Job Openings - Part 5
posted by olivera on 2005/05/31 21:03
[ Stellenauschreibung | Job Openings ]
The International Summer University Macedonia (ISUM) is looking for law professors who are interested to instruct one of the following courses:- Contemporary Theory of Law
- Media Law
- Non-Discrimination law
- The EU and South Eastern Europe
Visiting professors are expected to have a PhD degree, preferably in one of the disciplines listed above, and relevant teaching experience. Professors from Western European universities are given priority in the
Visiting professors teach voluntarily. Professors receive full board or an
allowance of 105 Euros per week. Travel expenses are reimbursed and free accommodation is provided.
If interested to teach at the ISUM 2005, please finde here detailed information and the applicaation form.
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