Serbien | Serbia - Part 4

posted by usha on 2005/05/20 22:24

[ Serbien | Serbia ]

Who is a Serb? asks Milan V. Dimić in his article which has been published by Kakanien revisited today.
The contribution is about identity and nationality, of course. Indeed, it is questionable who is a Serb, as the author shows by his thourough and careful perusal of "internal definitions and external designations" of being Serbian. In his perusal of encyclopaedias on the terms "Serb" and "Serbian" he is far from rash judgements about the problem of being Serbian. Maybe it is because one of the special fields of the scholar and literary translator is "value jugdement" (as listed here, on a site stemming from the golden days of Albertan Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies) and thus is conscious of the explicit and implicit, latent implications of language and especially of the terminology of "identity". The article meticulously traces the changes of the Serbian territory and the use of the term itself in history. The corresponding bibliography list primary and secondary sources in full detail.

The M.V. Dimić Research Institute for Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies has been founded by Milan V. Dimić who is now visiting professor at the Shi Hsin University, Tapei/Taiwan.



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