Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 26
posted by olivera on 2005/05/09 19:02
[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]
Regional School for Dealing with the Past, Mountain Kopaonik, Serbia and Montenegro, 11-18 July, 2005.Summer School for Dealing with the Past is the result of the regional cooperative efforts of three research and documentation centers - Humanitarian Law Center - HLC / Fond za humanitarno pravo (Serbia and Montenegro), Research and Documentation Center (Bosnia) and Documenta (Croatia).
The Summer School is essentially a one week educational program consisting of lectures, presentations and discussions. Lecturers and presenters are esteemed international and regional experts working in the field of transitional justice and dealing with the past. Upon completion of the school's course, each student will be awarded an official certificate from the Regional School for Dealing with the Past. The school's working language is English.
Topics to be discussed include (though are not limited to):
- Retributive and restorative justice
- Truth-telling mechanisms: commissions for truth and reconciliation
- Collective Memory
- Reparations
- Vetting and Lustration
- Reconciliation
- International tribunals for war crimes
- International Criminal Law and the ICTY
- Domestic War Crimes Trials
The deadline for applications is: May 15th 2005
More informations and the application form are availble on HLC Website.Contact person is Vesna Bogojević.
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