Kosova-o - Part 44

posted by julia on 2006/11/20 23:12

[ Kosova-o ]

After Bosnia-Herzegovina's image campaign advertising BiH as "heart-shaped land" and the promotional video clips inviting tourists to "Enjoy life in Bosnia-Herzegovina", the Kosovar government has launched the official tourism portal visitKOSOVO with a nice photo gallery.

The site is not translated into Serbian yet, and the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo has been only partly considered - nevertheless, this website is definitely a good start.

One common point of the Kosovar and the Bosnian image campaigns is that there is no single reference neither to the communist times nor to the war... While I consider it important for both BiH and Kosovo to build a new post-war identity, I think it is illusionary to believe that one can do so by ignoring key parts of the Kosovar and Bosnian history.



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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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