Media and blogs

posted by julia on 2005/12/23 17:56

[ Media and blogs ]

"Will blogs change development thinking?" On the id21 development research platform of the UK Department for International Development and the Institute of Development Studies of Sussex University, the authors of the World Bank Private Sector Development Blog discuss the importance of blogging for the development (research) community.

According to them, blogging not only improves the quality of debate by providing an easy system of sharing and tracking ideas, but also a space for non-mainstream views and for a direct exchange with people in developing countries. The Harvard Law School's Global Voices Online for example gathers the posts of bridge bloggers who comment in English on local developments in their country.

Big development organisations (like UNDP or the World Bank) will have to position themselves in the blogoshpere: "Being a big organisation counts for very little in the booming world of blogs - what counts is quick, relevant content."


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