Veranstaltungen | Conferences - Part 55

posted by usha on 2007/01/24 11:09

[ Veranstaltungen | Conferences ]

Angelika Wyka who just published her article on the Berlusconization of the Mass Media in East Central Europe, stemming from last year's Emergence conference, recommends the conference Comparing Media Systems. West Meets East to be held on April 23-25, 2007, in Wrocław, Kliczków Castle.

The conference is dedicated to analyse media systems inspired by the monograph Comparing Media Systems. Three models of media and Politics (2004) of Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini. The authors proposed to compare media systems in Western Europe and North America. We suggest to include for this analysis the media systems in postcommunist countries - above all the new members of European Union but not only, implemented by the researches from different countries in Europe and United States.

Inspired by the research conducted by a team headed by professor of media management, Anker Brink Lund (Copenhagen Bussines School - Center for Business and Politics, Denmark), in collaboration with associate professor Lars Nord (Mid sweden University, Sweden), and associate professor Johann Roppen (Volda University College, Norway), we propose the following panels for the conference:

Panel 1
1A) A development of mass press in Western and Eastern European Countries
1B) Role of foreign media groups in postcommunist countries

Panel 2
Political parallelism in mature and new democracies

Panel 3
Professionalization of journalism in different political cultures

Panel 4
4A) A role of the state in media systems
4B) Comparative analysis of broadcasting media in postcommunist countries in Europe

Panel 5
Mass media in Central/Eastern Europe and Southern Europe: comparative perspectives

Panel 6
The Impact of European Media Policy on Media Systems

Full information is to be found here. The Deadline closes on January 31, 2007.



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