Albania - Part 4
posted by julia on 2007/05/19 11:10
[ Albania ]
Robert Elsie's website contains interesting information on early photography in Albania and a fascinating overview over the Hungarian Baron Franz Nopcsa's collection of photographs from Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia from the beginning of the 20th century.Photo from the Nopcsa photo collection: "Albania. The men of Blinisht in the District of Lezha"
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This weblog is a forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. We would also like to use this space to create a virtual network of researchers on this topic. You are most welcome to contribute to this weblog with comments, postings, links, or photos. Please use the "add comment" function at the end of each posting!

All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.

selected articles from local SEE press translated into French + good weekly mailing list
information and analysis + good daily mailing list (South Eastern Europe Newsline)
good analysis on the SEE region (some of it is premium content)
news from the Balkans
news in English and all Balkan languages
investigative reporting and analysis in English + local languages
EU policy news + background dossiers
BH-wide and international news (English and Bosnian)
main newspaper in BH (Sarajevo-based) (webpage only in Bosnian)
Balkan news (in Albanian with linklists in English)
news from Kosovo (in Albanian)
> News B92
news from Serbia in English and Serbian
multilingual magazine on EU issues
of the EU Commission (good newsletter!)
EU military and police operations in the Western Balkans
EU Parliament procedure file for Regulation on Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
well-researched policy papers on EU integration of the Western Balkan region
policy papers on Kosovo, BH, and SaM
papers on CFSP and ESDP
papers on BH domestic and foreign policy
reports on the Western Balkans (in German)
Polish think tank - policy papers on Western Balkans
created by Kosovar and Austrian students of economy and multimedia
main Kosovar economic think tank
good, often provocative research papers on a broad range of issues
research projects on a variety of issues: missing persons, police, the parliament, ...
HR/development news from SEE
HR news by Balkan HR NGOs
NGOs + experts working towards reconciliation
a network of and for NGOs in Macedonia
NGO network working on peace education in SEE
the biggest women NGO network in Kosovo
background EurActiv dossier on EU-Croatia relations
background EurActiv dossier on EU-Western Balkans relations
overview over the political and economic situation in Kosovo (in German)
Croatian weekly
monitoraggio, ricerca ed analisi sul sud-est Europa
NGO investigating and gathering facts, documents and data on genocide, war crimes and human rights violations in Bosnia-Herzegovina
research portal on economic developments in SEE by the Vienna Institute for Int'l Economic Studies and the London School of Economics
background articles on SEE and EU policies by local and international journalists
full text PDF articles on CEE and SEE
The current research projects of the Forschungsverbund Ost- und Südosteuropa focus on the conditions of EU integration.
German research society on SEE
Balkan Academic News is an electronic email group encompassing over 1300 scholars, activists, government officials, students and others dealing with or interested in the Balkans.
The mailing list of the "Junge Osteuropa-Experten" is a mainly German-speaking mailing list for people interested in Eastern and - to a lesser extent - South-Eastern Europe.
iDoc is the first digital archive
of print media in Bosnia and Herzegovina, developed and maintained by
the Mediacentar Sarajevo
newsletter with links to selected articles on the Balkans (Swedish site, but articles in English)
job and CV database
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe.
The Southeast European Era-Net is a networking project aimed at integrating EU member states and Southeast European countries in the European Research Area by linking research activities within existing national, bilateral and regional RTD programmes.
Association française
d'études sur les Balkans
a declassified study on the Bosnian peace process commissioned by the State Department in 1997, by Derek Chollet and Bennett Freeman
The CAP (Univ. Munich) ist the biggest German academic policy institute on EU and international questions. It has a sub-site with reports on the Balkans.
UNMIK-webpage on the "Standards for Kosovo"
EU newsletter on Kosovo's integration into the EU
on politics, research, events, and jobs in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Human rights information portal created by the NGO infohouse
Österreichisches-Französisches Zentrum/Centre franco-autrichien - a lot of info on the Balkans
International UNESCO Education Server for Civic, Peace and Human Rights Education
The Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Konjic (BiH) organises an annual conference for researchers in social sciences
of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
of the University College London
Agencije za Drzavnu Sluzbu BiH
"La Serbie et le Monténégro dans les Balkans en recomposition"
Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management (German/English)
(pdf, 3 MB)
The Governance and Social Development Resource Centre supports the knowledge needs of the international development community in relation to governance, conflict and social development.
Policies for Culture aims to encourage a participative principle in the design, implementation and evaluation of new effective cultural policies throughout South East Europe.
UNMIK's monthly magazine in Serbian language which presents the most important events for the minority communities in Kosovo
independent policy journal run by some 50 leading European think tanks; published three times yearly, it offers policymakers and opinion-formers across Europe a platform for presenting ideas
a worldwide network of research and policy institutes working on development issues
network of German and SEE professionals/researchers on peace research
article and methodology guides for research on shadow economy and tax evasion in SEE
International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies in Ljublana (Slovenia) - free newsletter
Macedonian Centre for Research and Policy Making
EU-Informationsplattform mit aktuellen Nachrichten, Dossiers, und Hintergrundinformationen sowie einem praktischen EU-Glossar
Die Vierteljahreszeitschrift integration des Instituts für europäische Politik richtet sich an alle, die sich in Wissenschaft, Bildung, Politik, Administration und in den Medien mit europäischen Fragen beschäftigen. Sie ist ein theoriegeleitetes und politikbezogenes interdisziplinäres Forum zu Grundsatzfragen der europäischen Integration.
The aim of EU-25 Watch is to give a full comparative picture of debates on European integration and current developments in European politics in the 25 EU member states as well as in the four acceding/candidate countries.
The e-library of EU-Consent provides access to more than 400 titles on EU deepening and widening.
digital youth information bulletin
Resource centre on civil society in BiH by the Centre for Promotion of Civil society
Greek think tank with news and views on the European periphery
Graduate review of the CEU, also open to other contributors
in Vienna addresses current questions regarding the Danube Region, Central and South Eastern Europe to enhance knowledge about the region and promote good neighbourly relations.
is currently published by Globic Press on behalf of the Albanian Political Science Association (ALPSA).
Kosovo-Rrom information website in Rromane, English, French, Albanian, and Serbian
von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (mit Artikel über Kosovo und Mazedonien)
Forschungsgruppe Bosnien (Dr. B. Bieber)
writer, translator, interpreter and specialist in Albanian studies
Kosovar weekly newspaper in Gheg language with a part dedicated to European issues (Jáva e Evropes)
at Bologna University in Forlí
by the GESIS portal (German Social Science Infrastructure Services). See in particular the events related to transformation research.
(in Albanian)
"Political Institutions of Southeastern Europe in Historical Comparative Perspective", by the Centre for Applied Policy Research in Munich
Tourist guides to Pristina, Peja, Prizren (downloadable as pdf)
by the think tank European Centre for Minority Issues/ECMI
by the think tank European Centre for Minority Issues/ECMI, the Danish Institute
for Human Rights, and the Serbian Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
information and opinion exchange on science and technological development in the region of the Western Balkans
der Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Osteuropa
archive of public policy material from central and eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union
excellent overview of Angelopoulos' films
on human rights and minority issues
resources on migration,
minorities, human rights, asylum, citizenship on a European and national level; country profiles:
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia
the largest and most authoritative compilation of
UN and agency statistics ever compiled, covering economic,
social, financial and development topics
economic research on South-Eastern Europe: monthly reports and quarterly forecasts
with explanations on its historical sites - cf. also the ESI discussion paper on "Utopian Visions. Governance failures in Kosovo's capital"
street map and air photos from Pristina with event and place locator function
Netzwerk für Osteuropaberichterstattung mit vielen Artikeln über Südosteuropa (kostenpflichtig/25 Euro Mitgliedschaft/Jahr für Privatpersonen)
International Civilian Office / European Union Special Representative
European Union Planning Team for Kosovo
Balkan Series Publications
resources on the security sector in Kosovo, local perceptions of security, conflict, small arms, security sector reform (FCI/FIQ and Saferworld)
photo, video, and installations (Pristina)
dialogue between young artists from Pristina and Belgrade
NGO active in Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, BiH
Kosovo cultural guide
supplement from Austrian paper "Die Presse" (pdf)
resource page with a lot of documents on the legal and political aspects of the Kosovo status question created by the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (in German)
literature and scientific books on the Balkans
online resource for knowledge and expertise on peacebuilding and conflict prevention, particularly as it relates to EU policy. Themes: 1) Mediation; 2) Regional cooperation on environment, economy and natural resources; 3) Security; 4) Democratisation and transitional justice; 5) Gender; and 6) Capacity building and training.
resources for preparing your trip to the Balkans
resources and opinion pieces on Kosovo