
posted by beni on 2005/12/12 01:05

[ Albania ]

Der Ministerpräsident der Republik Albanien Sali Berisha äußerte sich in Die Welt über die Innenpolitik.
Die Regionalpolitik betreffend eines ist klar: „Kosovo muss unabhängig werden“.


01 by anonymous at 2005/12/12 21:38 Bitte registrieren und/oder loggen Sie ein, um zu antworten
Der Ministerpräsident der Republik Albanien Sali Berisha äußerte sich in Die Welt über die Innenpolitik.
Die Regionalpolitik betreffend eines ist klar: „Kosovo muss unabhängig werden“.

The first part of the interview on corruption in Albania is also interesting. One of the main mottos of Berisha's electoral campaign was the fight against corruption - which is the same motto that Nano and his Socialist Party used in the 2001 elections.

Nevertheless, Nano (who had been jailed for corruption under Berisha's 1992-1997 presidency) did not achieve much - on the contrary: Berisha quotes a World Bank report saying that corruption rose by 400% between 1996 and 2004 (by the way, in an interview with Le Courrier des Balkans on 5 July 2005 Berisha quotes the figure of 300% for the period from 1997 to 2004, but this is already so much that figures do not matter!).

Let us hope that Berisha who looks back to a moved past (cf. wikipedia)
will be more successful than Nano in fighting corruption. According to several newspaper articles I found on the web, in August 1998, only one year after his departure from power, the World Bank rated Albania as the most corrupt state in Europe...

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