Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 89
[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]
International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural ContextsDate: June 25-29, 2008
Site: Berlin, Germany
Organiser: International Workshop for Comparative Survey Design and Implementation; GESIS
Deadline: September 25, 2007. Abstracts of 400-500 words with 3-4 keywords should be submitted online.
The conference will bring together researchers and survey practitioners concerned with survey methodology and practice in comparative contexts. It will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and present research that contributes to our understanding of survey needs and methods in cross-cultural and cross-national contexts.
Sessions are planned for a wide variety of disciplines including sociology, political science, marketing, media, communication science, economics, education, health, psychology;
- Research activities from developed and emerging countries around the world;
- Research on values, behaviour, attitudes, opinions and performance in these disciplines, such as: family and gender research, social networks, election studies, research in fragile states and among disaster-stricken populations, health care assessment, labour and income research, organizational research;
- Key methodological topics including: study design, question design, process quality control and assurance, survey error, multilingual issues, data collection methods and modes, sampling and weighting, analysis and testing, data documentation and distribution.
The conference is designed especially for researchers involved in comparative survey research; Survey research practitioners and survey methodologists; data users and consultants; planners and decision-makers for cross-national contexts Proceedings from the conference will be published in autumn 2008.
Language: English.
Contact: Janet Harkness, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA and ZUMA, Mannheim, Germany
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