Veranstaltungen | Conferences - Part 59

posted by usha on 2007/05/12 08:57

[ Veranstaltungen | Conferences ]

The Herder Institute has its final conference on May 17-20, 2007 in Marburg. Borderlands. Ethnicity, Identity and Violence in the Shatter-Zone of Empires Since 1848.

May 17, 2007, Fürstensaal Count’s Palace (Landgrafenschloss)

18:00 Reception
19:00 Keynote address - Dan Diner: Modern Jewish History and Europe’s Eastern Borderlands

May 18, 2007, ‘Vortragssaal’ of the Herder Institute

9:00 Welcome - Peter Haslinger, Omer Bartov, Eric Weitz
9:15 Roundtable 1 (Kai Struve, Peter Holquist, Alison Frank, Marco Carynnyk) - New Research on Interethnic Relations, Borderlands, and Violence
Chair: Omer Bartov

11:00 Break

11:30 Panel 1- Ukraine’s Past and Present
Chair: Alison Frank
Sofia Grachova: The Diary of Viktor Petrykevych: A Gymnasium Teacher's View of the Soviet and German Occupation of Eastern Galicia (1939-1945)
John-Paul Himka: Obstacles to the Integration of the Holocaust into Ukrainian Historical Narratives
Wilfried Jilge: "Competition of Victims" or "Competition of Winners": Some Remarks on the Controversy about World War II in post-Soviet Ukraine

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Workshop 1 - Communal Coexistence and Conflict
Chair: Eric Weitz
Holly Case: A League of their Own: The Axis Takes on Minority Protection in the Transylvanian Borderland during World War II
Christoph Mick: War Experiences and Inter-Ethnic Violence in Lviv 1914-1920
Heidi Hein-Kircher: Structural and Statutory Preconditions of Communal Coexistence and Conflicts in Galicia (second half of 19th Century)
Gary Cohen: "Our Laws, Our Taxes, Our Schools, and Our Administration" – Everyday Notions of Citizenship in Imperial Austria

15:30 Break

16:00 Panel 2: The Balkans
Chair: Fikret Adanir
Dragan Veselinov: Ethnic Minorities and Cross Border Relations of the Countries of Former Yugoslavia – The Case of Serbia Eyal Ginio: The Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and the Shifting of Ottoman Identities
Aleksandar Jakir: Minorities, Ethnic Politics and the End of Socialist Yugoslavia?

19:30 Dinner

May 19, 2007

9:00 Workshop 2 - States, Empires, and Ethnicities in Russia and the Soviet Union
Chair: Theofanis Stavrou
Karel Berkhoff: Multiple Genocides: The Nazi "War of Extermination" in the Soviet Media, 1941-1945
Eric Lohr: 1915 and the War Pogrom Paradigm in the Russian Empire
Frithjof Benjamin Schenk: Railroads in the Borderlands: Consolidation of Territory, Experience of Ethnic Diversity and Violence in late Russian Empire

11:00 Break

11:30 Panel 3 - Ottoman Ethnicities and Borderlands
Chair: Eyal Ginio
Fikret Adanir: Ethnicities in Thrace: From Imperial Core to National Periphery, 1850s-1950s
Theofanis Stavrou: Borderlands and Fiction: Elias Venezis and the Literature of Lost Motherlands
Elke Hartmann: The Problem of Central State Control in the Eastern Provinces of the Ottoman Empire

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Workshop 3 - Identity, Racism, Antisemitism
Chair: Gary Cohen
Paul Hanebrink: Religion, Nationalism, and Antisemitism: The Idea of Christian Hungary
Stephen Feinstein: European Holocaust Memory and the Specter of Genocide in Chantal Akerman's Bordering on Fiction: d'Est
Alexander Prusin: The Borderland of Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in East Galicia in 1914-1915 and 1941

15:00 Break

16:00 Panel 4 - Interethnic Conflict and Coexistence: Politics and Ideology
Chair: Eduard Mühle
Alexander Korb: Borders and Boundaries: The Persecution of Serbs and Jews in Croatia and the Drina Border, 1941/42
David Gaunt: Mobilizing Local Genocidal Collaboration: Reichskommissariat Ostland/Ottoman Empire
Alexa Stiller: Germanization and Genocide: Nazi Policy in the Annexed Territories of Western Poland, Alsace-Lorraine, and Slovenia

19:30 Dinner

May 20, 2007

9:00 Panel 5 - Categories of Victims and the Competition of Memory
Chair: Peter Haslinger
Piotr Wróbel: Clash of Collective Memories: Polish Eastern Borderlands in the 20th Century
Johann Dietsch: Whose Tragic History? - Representing Victims in the Ukrainian Holocausts
Gregor Thum: Before the Expulsion. 19th Century Radicalization of the German East

10:45 Break

11:00 Roundtable 2 - The “Borderland” Project and the Paradigm of Borderlands (Omer Bartov, Eric Weitz, Paul Magocsi, Peter Haslinger)

13:00 Lunch Departures

Sponsors: Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University Institute for Global Studies, University of Minnesota Herder Institute, Marburg

Herder Institute
Gisonenweg 5-7
D-35037 Marburg
phone: 0049-6421-184-0
fax 0049-6421-184-139
Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher, e-mail:
Hotel Information: Edeltraut Imhof,



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