Montenegro - Part 9

posted by usha on 2005/12/06 12:37

[ Montenegro ]

Sometimes, researchers are really lucky. When preparing my presentation for the conference on Cofigurations of Media, 1900 // 2000 I made a resounding discovery:

When browsing through the photographs from Montengro on Šechtl & Voseček's site I was pretty much convinced that I had seen some of them before, but was not sure where. Thus, I went back to the the travelogues I am dealing with and my rather diffuse suspect proved true.

The photograph entiteld "Officer from Cetynie, Yugoslavia, approx. 1910" is identical with the one in Joseph Bubeniček's travelogue "Durch Montenegro" identifying this person as Živko Dragovič, professor for geography and history at Cetinje's high school. The respective paragraph from the travelogue on page 42 of the second part is:

Wenn ich das meinen Prager Amtsgenossen erzählen werde, daß die Herren mit dem Revolver im Gürtel Konferenzen, Aufnahmsprüfungen und Sprechstunden (?) abhalten und mit dieser gefährlichen Waffe sogar unterrichten, werde ich der Übertreibung geziehen werden.
I was able to identify even a second photograph there as the one in Bubeniček's travelogue subtiteld with: "An der Plašnicaquelle auf der Strecke von Kolašin nach Žabljak".

Now I wonder if I might be able to find more photographs of Bubeniček in Šechtl & Voseček's archive. It is likely that this studio developed all his photographs.

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