Bücher | Books - Part 14
[ Bücher | Books ]
Purdue UP announces the following new volume, edited by Louise O. Vasvári and Steven Totosy de Zepetnek:Imre Kertész and Holocaust Literature. Ed. Louise O. Vasvári and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Purdue Books in Comparative Cultural Studies 8. West Lafayette: Purdue UP 2005, ca. 340 pp., ISBN 1-55753-396-2 (pbk).
Written by scholars in Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, New Zealand, and the USA, the volume contains studies on the oeuvre of Imre Kertész, Nobel Laureate in Literature 2002 as well as historical papers about the background of the Holocaust in Hungary.
Articles in the volume are
- "Imre Kertész and Hungarian Literature" by Enikö Molnár Basa,
- "Jewishness in Hungary, Imre Kertész, and the Choice of an Identity" by Sara Cohen,
- "The Aporia of Imre Kertész" by Robert Eaglestone,
- "Imre Kertész, Hegel, and the Philosophy of Reconciliation" by Amos Friedland,
- "Identities of the Jew and the Hungarian" by András Gerö,
- "Representing the Holocaust, Kertész's Fatelessness, and Benigni's La vita è bella" by Bettina von Jagow,
- "Imre Kertész's Fatelessness as Historical Fiction" by Julia Karolle,
- "Reading Imre Kertész in English" by Adrienne Kertzer,
- "Imre Kertész's Fatelessness and the Myth about Auschwitz in Hungary" by Kornélia Kolta,
- "The Historians' Debate about the Holocaust in Hungary" by András Kovács,
- "Imre Kertész and Hungary Today" by Magdalena Marsovszky,
- "Imre Kertész's Aesthetics of the Holocaust" by Sára Molnár,
- "The Dichotomy of Perspectives in the Work of Imre Kertész and Jorge Semprún" by Marie Peguy,
- "Imre Kertész and the Filming of Sorstalanság (Fatelessness)" by Catherine Portuges,
- "Danilo Kis, Imre Kertész, and the Myth of the Holocaust" by Rosana Ratkovčić,
- "Imre Kertész's Jegyzökönyv (Sworn Statement) and the Self Deprived of Itself" by Tamás Scheibner,
- "Imre Kertész's Kaddish for an Unborn Child" by Eluned Summers-Bremner,
- "Imre Kertész's Nobel Prize in Literature and the Print Media" by Steven Totosy de Zepetnek,
- "Holocaust Literature and Imre Kertész" by Paul Várnai,
- "The Novelness of Imre Kertész's Fatelessness" by Louise O. Vasvári, and
- "The Media and Imre Kertész's Nobel Prize in Literature" by Judy Young.
In addition to the papers about Kertész's work, the volume includes an as of yet in English unpublished text by Imre Kertész, "Galley Boat-Log (Gályanapló): Excerpt(s)" translated by Tim Wilkinson, a review article about books on Jewish Identity and anti-Semitism Central Europe by Barbara Breisach, and a "A Bibliography of Imre Kertész's Oeuvre and Publications about His Work" by Steven Tötösy.
The book can be ordered via Purdue UP'S website here or there.
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