Veranstaltungen | Conferences - Part 4
posted by usha on 2005/02/07 20:14
[ Veranstaltungen | Conferences ]
The "Conference on Family and Civil Society" on March 3-5, 2005 organized by the CiSoNet, the European Civil Society Network, and to be held in Wassenaar, The Netherlands, gathers scholars from Eastern and Western countries of Europe.The network includes itself 15 European countries, namely Germany, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Serbia-Montenegro; the project coordinator is Jürgen Kocka. In March the group is going to explore the place of family within civil society. Key terms such as "democracy", "gender" and "globalization" are to be connected to special forms of family and society in different countries.
The organizing Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies asks possible participants to submit the registration form (page 3 of the programme) as soon as possible, not later than February 15, 2005. Please, submit the form to NIAS.
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