Kultur | Events - Part 2
posted by olivera on 2005/01/04 22:00
[ Kultur | Events ]
The Croatian, Serbian and Slovene Department of Jagiellonian University is organizing an international conference "Josip Juraj Strossmayer. Jugoslavism, Ecumenism, Europe" which will take place in Krakow, Poland April 28-30. 2005.The official language of the conference is Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian; plenary sessions are planned. There is a conference fee – 80 Polish Zloty (PLN), which equals about18 Euro,all expenses for accommodations (between April 27th and 30th) are covered by the organizers. Post-conference proceedings will be published as a book.
Deadline for submission is February 28, 2005.
Please find the complete Call for Proposal as .pdf on the
"Kakanien revisited"-Platform.
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