posted by
SHorváth on 2008/07/26 22:54
[ Call for Papers - Call for Entries ]
There are two calls for short film submissions with the deadline August 15, 2008:
1) FILMINI International Short Film Festival (22-26 October, 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria)
2) Sleepwalkers International Student Film Festival (13-16 November, 2008 in
Tallinn, Estonia)
1) FILMINI International Short Film Festival is a competitive festival of short films. It aims to contribute to the promotion and production of artistic short films in Bulgaria, as well as to encourage the cooperation between local and international filmmakers. Download the detailed Regulations in PDF.
The Festival program includes:
1. An international competition of short films (maximum duration of the films - 20 minutes).
2. A Balkan competition of short films (maximum duration of the films - 20 minutes), coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and UNMI Kosovo.
3. A Bulgarian competition of short films (maximum duration of the films - 20 minutes).
4. Non-competitive film programs, retrospectives, tributes and other accompanying screenings and events. Films in non-competitive sections can have a maximum length of 30 minutes.
The Festival accepts for its competition programs fiction and animated short films only, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes. Selected experimental films will be bound together in a parallel program. Only works completed after 15 September 2007 can be included in the competition. Films can be produced by any technical (video and film) means. For the festival screenings films will be screened from DVD and 35 mm only.
An international Jury of five members will award the following prizes:
. Best International film plus 1,000 EUR (goes to the director of the film).
. Best Balkan film plus 1,000 EUR (goes to the director of the film).
. Special Jury Mentions for the Best Bulgarian film (goes to the director of the film).
. Audience award for the Best film at the festival (goes to the director of the film).
To take part in the Festival applicants are required to submit the following materials.
By post:
- The film on DVD with English subtitles.
- A poster of the film.
By e-mail or on CD:
- Synopsis.
- Director’s biography & filmography.
- A photo of the director.
- At least 3 stills from the film.
- The dialogue list in original language.
- The dialogue list in English with time code.
- Other press and promotional materials.
All received materials will remain for the Festival archive and can be used for Festival promotion and promotional screenings of FILMINI.
Filmini Short Film Festival
zh.k. "Ovcha kupel" № 2, bl. 33G, vh. V, et. 5, ap. 69
Sofia 1632
Post stamp dated no later than 15 August 2008 validates the submission. Materials must bear the indication "no commercial value – cultural use only" on the envelope.
2) Sleepwalkers has the aim of making short films made by international film students available for wider audiences and promote international co-operation. Sleepwalkers is looking for new talents, directors and filmmakers, who are interested in fresh ideas.
The festival consists of:
- International competition programme of short and medium-length films made by film or media students;
- National competition programme of Estonian short and medium-length films;
- Non-competitive informative film programmes, retrospectives and special presentations.
International competition
Eligible films must be:
a) short and medium-length (-45 min) films: fiction, documentary or animation;
b) directed by film or media student;
c) premiered after 1 January, 2007;
d) screened in 35 mm or broadcast video formats (DigiBeta, Betacam SP, DVD);
e) with English subtitles, if not in English.
Completed entry form, including additional materials and a preview copy with English subtitles must be sent to the festival office by 15 August, 2008. The Regulations for the national competion (the deadline is 15 September, 2008) as well as the entry form for all entries are available on the Hompage.
Gonsiori 21
10147 Tallinn