Veranstaltungen - Conferences - Part 28

posted by SHorváth on 2007/06/19 23:51

[ Veranstaltungen - Conferences ]

Das komplette Konferenzprogramm zu NECS – The Vienna Conference "Perspectives and Challenges for Cinema and Media Studies" (21.-23. Juni) - siehe hier das CfP dazu - steht zum Download zur Verfügung. Die zahlreichen Panels kündigen sehr facettenreiche und vielversprechende Themen an:

#1: Audiovisual Heritage: The Politics of the Archive

#2: Audiovisual Heritage: The Politics of the Discipline

#3: Love, Sex and Genre

#4: Film and the Swedish Welfare State

#5: European Film Production in the Digital Age

#6: Trans-National Cinemas in Europe

#7: Immersions and Attractions

#8: Perspectives of Film Theory

#9: Crossing Borders: Distributing European Cinema

#10: Film Editions in the 21st Century: Opportunities in a Digital Environment

#11: Beyond Convergence: Theorizing Digital Cinema

#12: New (Role) Models for the European Cinema in the Global Age

#13: Questions of Genre

#14: The Future of European Cinema

#15: Rethinking Avant-garde and New Wave

#16: Speech Language Sound

#17: National, European or World Cinema?

#18: The Politics of Film and Nation

#19: Economies of Emotion

111 participants & 90 lectures & detailed programme


