Call for Papers - Call for Entries - Part 20
[ Call for Papers - Call for Entries ]
Calls for contributions are open in Hungary, Romania and Austria.
1. The organizers of the International Film Festival of Fine Arts (8-13 November 2006 - Szolnok, Hungary) expect film entries that present, (re)interpret pieces of art by means of cinematic methods or deal with the life or certain stages of one or more artists (art groups). They also welcome works that discover certain tendencies or periods of fine arts or their social context. Last but not least, they also expect films created by using artistic methods or instruments (e.g. animated and experimental films, features).
Please read the Entry Regulations and download one of the Entry Forms.
Entry deadline is 31 March 2006.
2. The ASTRA FILM FEST will take place from 23 to 28 October 2006 in Sibiu (Cultural Capital of Europe in 2007), Romania. It is an International Festival of Documentary Film and Visual Anthropology, which is unique in this part of Europe. It offers the opportunity for documentarists from all over the world to meet, while promoting not only the production of good quality non-fiction, non-commercial film in Romania and in the region, but also for discussions related use of visual media in social scientific research and journalism.
The Festival has four competition programmes: INTERNATIONAL, EastEUROPE, ROMANIA, and STUDENT FILMS. Regulations and the Entry Form can be found here.
Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2006.
3. The OHNE KOHLE International Independent Video- and Filmfestival will be organized from 16th July to 22nd July 2006. Regulations and the Application Form are accessible (in PDF format) by clicking on the Fetivals Website, all genres of film-making are welcomed. Special theme: "Globalization - one world our world" -
all genres, documentary films are preferred.
The deadline for entries is 16th of April 2006 (postmark)
Adress for the entries:
OHNEKOHLE - Verein zur Förderung der independent
Film- und Videokultur
c/o Viewfinders KEG
Neutorgasse 13
A - 1010 Wien
International Film Festival of Fine Arts, Szolnok
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