Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 16

posted by julia on 2006/04/25 23:13

[ Bosnia-Herzegovina ]

The amendments to the constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina, developed and approved a few weeks ago by the Bosnian party leaders, are now being discussed in the two parliamentary houses (today in the House of Representatives, tomorrow in the House of People) - cf. this blog, 17.11.2005 and 21.3.2006; and Transitions Online, 24.4.2006, for more details on the amendments and the revision process of the constitution.

According to Transitions Online, there are more pressing issues in BiH than constitutional amendments:

It would be foolish to expect constitutional amendments to mend interethnic relations in a traumatized society. (...) And the split [between the two entities] wasn’t created by Dayton, it was merely recognized at Dayton. It is in this regard that the initiators of the constitutional change inadvertently may have done some harm by perpetuating the myth that Bosnia’s main problem lies in its constitution.



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