Call for Papers - Call for Entries - Part 36
[ Call for Papers - Call for Entries ]
The deadline for submissions of paper proposals to the Cinema and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania:
Words and Images. Language/Literature/Moving Pictures.
is April 20, 2007
The organizers invite scholars or students of cinema studies to present papers dealing with issues concerning the relations between language/literature and motion pictures both from a historical and a theoretical perspective.
visible and audible language in films
visuality versus language, image-text relations in film
relations between verbal narration and pictorial presentation in film
collage of texts in films
poetry and plasticity in films
analogies between verbal rhetoric and cinema rhetoric?
conceptuality, abstraction, sensuality in linguistic and pictorial layers of films
relations between literature and film in an historical or theoretical perspective
adaptation, intermediality, intertextuality in films?
the linguistic history of the movies: language used throughout the history of the movies (language and silent cinema, typical patterns of classical dialogues, types of verbal narrators, modernist word & image relations in film, postmodern heteroglossia etc.)
stylistic changes and functions of intertitles and credits
word & image relations in television genres (e.g. commentaries vs. illustrations)
language in the context of non fictional or experimental films
collonization of visual cultures through language in films (the issues of dubbing, translating films).
The language of the conference: English and Hungarian (in two sections).
Abstracts (200-250 words) may be submitted (indicating the applicant's name, e-mail address, present academic function) to the Head of the Department Agnes Pethő.
Here are the links to download the submission form and the invitation.
Event date: May 25-26, 2007, Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), Romania
Organized by: Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania, DEPARTMENT OF PHOTOGRAPHY, FILM AND MEDIA
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: April 20, 2007
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