Film Festivals - Part 29
posted by SHorváth on 2006/06/15 21:59
[ Film Festivals ]
The Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo presents:PRAVO LJUDSKI
Human Rights Film Festival
17 - 20 June, 2006 in Sarajevo
The Human Rights Film Festival Pravo Ljudski is a project developed with the intention to raise public awareness and spread human rights culture through film, after recognizing the power of the later to educate, influence and stimulate broad public.
The aim of the Festival alongside with the promotion of personal freedoms and rights, promotion of the non-discriminatory approach as a basis for affecting the public opinion on human rights and equality in enjoyment of the human rights and freedoms, is to empower every individual on the importance of personal devotion to human rights promotion and respect can/will make a difference.
The main objective of Pravo Ljudski is to promote a forum for debate on human rights, democracy and rule of law, equality, and human development. It also aims to disclose the human rights abuses, inequality, violence against women and children, social marginalization and exclusion and inspire solidarity, mutual understanding and the importance of personal devotion to human rights through creating effective contact with the victims of the human rights abuses.
The Festival has an educational character, and in duration of three days will focus on three broad themes - women, children and minorities through screening socially conscious films, as well as organize panel discussions, debates, and press conferences.
Pravo Ljudski has as an approach one day, one subject realized through the films projections and panel discussions daily, thus recognizing the most important problems in the sphere of discussion (marginalized groups: women, children (including Roma children) and ethnic/religious/sex minorities) worldwide, underlying both the root causes and the possible necessary actions to be taken addressing and raising awareness among both the stakeholders, victims and the broad public.
The film festival´s web site provides detailed information on the screenings, the full program is also available in [.pdf].
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