Call for Papers - Call for Entries - Part 18
[ Call for Papers - Call for Entries ]
East of Center Film Fest is a showcase of new, independent and noncommercial works from Central and Eastern Europe, intended to let emerging filmmakers share their work with an international public and to bring together U.K. audiences with artists from the new EU member states and their neighbours. The festival will be organised in London in June 2006.
The final deadline for submissions is March 1, 2006.
Call for Submissions [.pdf]:
Features, short films, documentaries, video, and animation are all welcome. The only
restriction is that all works must be connected with Central and Eastern Europe - either
through the subject matter, country of production, or the filmmakers themselves.
Films with dialogue must be subtitled in English, or be accompanied by a transcript with
timecode and English translation.
Submission fee: 15 Euros. Fee may be waived for students.
For more information email, just klick to download the submission form [.rtf].
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