SEE London and the Balkans - Part 3
[ SEE London and the Balkans ]
Tomorrow night at the Barbican, the Bosnian singer Amira is going to perform with Taraf de Haidouks (watch the trailer to their dvd here). It is her first visit to the UK - read more in the Guardian.
Date and Time of the performances follow.....
Barbican Hall, London
1 June 2007 / 7.30 pm
Part of The 1000 Year Journey
Part of World & Roots
Tickets: £15/ £20/ £27
call 020 7638 8891
followed by:
Royal Northern College of Music, Bruntwood Theatre, Manchester
2 June 2007 / 7.30 pm
Tickets: £10 / £15
call 0161 907 5555
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The imagineSEE-weblog is a space about ideas, images, (re)inventions and (re)constructions of and about the Balkans, from outside and within SEE.
Any comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, please use "Reply" at the end of each posting or post directly to Sabine Ballata.

This is a part of the collage 'The Black File' by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic, who will be represented at documenta 12 (16/6-23/9) in Kassel this year.
