The Life in the Images - Between Film and Photography

posted by SHorváth on 2009/11/15 21:11

[ Veranstaltungen - Conferences ]

Under the leading of Prof. Karl Sierek and the conception and organisation of Ingrid Hölzl and Friedrich Tietjen the conference: Moving stills - Images in Motion, a  conference on Hybrid Images, is going to take place from November 19-20, 2009 at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Senatssaal, Fürstengraben 1).

To define and differentiate film and photography seems to be easy: The projected image of film is mutable, moving and has no solid carrier; the photographic image is fixed, still and of a defined format. In turn these medial conditions account for what both media can depict: While photography often is understood of bringing the moving, vivid world to a death-like stand-still, film is able to represent movement, and thus life in time.
More recently however these definitions of the history of media as a sub-history of progress are contested. The theoretical and technical dichotomies of photograhy and film such as standstill vs. movement, past vs. presence, death vs. life, materiality vs. immateriality and the like become dubitable. In view of the current digital morphologies of the photographic the core of the definition of photography is revised. These revisions understand the new conditions of technical images as an enlargement of the classical definitions of both media and focus in particular on the new formats of images and their presentations such as beamer-projections, web cams, videos on mobiles and digital photo frames. The revision of photo- and filmtheory however is not only limited to the digital image but also retroactively affects the pre-digital technical media.
In this context it turned out that the history of film to some extent is independent from photography; vice versa photography has found numerous ways to represent life and motion. Thus both media are not juxtaposed to each other but rather appear as poles in between which numerous medial hybrids have developed applying means of both film and photography. Moreover for quite some forms of digital image processing and display such as bullet time, the Ken Burns effect and the whole field of augmented realities this hybridity is essential anyway.
Under these conditions the conference is aiming less at contributions dealing specifically with either film or photography; it is rather dedicated to explore the interspace between both. And while it's first part will deal with the history of hybrid media, the second part is dedicated to contemporary developments.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

14:00-14:10: Welcome by the Rector of the FSU, Prof. Dr. Klaus Dicke

14:10-14:30: Introduction: Karl Sierek (Jena)

Panel 1: Hybrid Images in Prephotographic and Photographic Times

Moderation: Silke Müller(Jena), Friedrich Tietjen (Leipzig/Jena)

14:30-15:00: Keynote Timm Starl (Vienna): After Standstill

15:00-15:30: Friedrich Tietjen (Leipzig/Jena): From Looped to Linear. Moment, Time and Narration in Late 19th Century Photography and Early Film

15:30-16:00: Discussion
16:00-16:30: Break

16:30-17:00: Katja Müller-Helle (Vienna): Among survey and dissolution: On the precision of Auguste Chevalier's images of movement
17:00-17.30: Petra Löffler (Vienna): Seeing Motion, Seeing in Motion: 19th century Media of Dissipation

17:30-18:00: Discussion
18:00-19:30: Break

19:30: Evening Lecture: Johnny Golding (London): Holographic Attunement, Algorithmic Time and the Genome called Photography

Friday, November 20, 2009

Panel 2: Moving Stills – Image and Movement in Film and Digital Media

Moderation: Hedwig Wagner (Jena); Ingrid Hölzl (Montreal)

10:00-10:30: Keynote Eivind Rossaak (Oslo): Freeze! The Bullet-Time Effect
10:30-11:00: Ingrid Hölzl (Montreal): Moving Stills – Photography in Motion

11:00-11:30: Discussion

11:30-12:00: Martin Reinhart (Vienna): Time isn't the resting lap where the bodies sleep
12:00-12:30: Maarten Vanvolsem (Leuven): How strip-photography complicated the interpretation of the still photographic image.

12:30-13:00: Closing discussion

Conference languages: German / English
Limited number of seats available – please reserve (Vanessa Zeuch)


