Film Festivals - Part 37

posted by SHorváth on 2007/03/18 13:31

[ Film Festivals ]

New Europe Film Festival
Edinburgh, 24 March - 1 April 2007

The Festival brings the films from the new EU member states to the UK, following the massive immigration wave that came to Great Britain after 2004.
The first edition´s films come from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. They all focus on the generation of 20-30 year olds, who grew up in both socialism and capitalism and were able to explore the world that had been closed for their parents. But
at the same time they have inherited a sick reality that these parents had built for them. Happiness, identity, love, independence and emigration - what do these words mean to them today?

The organisers hope that this annual event will be an opportunity for the local Edinburgh audience and the immigrants from Eastern Europe to establish a dialogue about their life in the
enlarged Europe.

The event will take place in the Edinburgh Filmhouse Cinema. For details of the festival programme please see:


