Calls for Papers - Part 23

posted by mh on 2006/03/03 15:36

[ Calls for Papers ]

Public Istanbul – Die Stadt und ihre Räume der Öffentlichkeit is the theme of a conference to be held at the Bauhaus Universität Weimar in January 2007 (deadline: June 1, 2006). Interactions between Ottoman and European architectures is one of the themes to be discussed at the International Symposium on Islamic-Turkish Civilization and Europe (11th-18th Centuries), Marmara University Istanbul, November 2006 (deadline: April 15, 2006).
An international meeting on Levantine genealogy titled The Families and the Levantine Communities in Istanbul: Past and Present (September 2006, Istanbul) exemplifies the increased interest in this group; the deadline, however, has already passed. For the conference Steel Cities: Tradition, Transition and Transformation at Sheffield/UK the organizers are soliciting papers dealing with industrial heritage and tourism (deadline: April 17, 2006).



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