Calls for Papers - Part 24
posted by mh on 2006/04/07 18:40
[ Calls for Papers ]
Non-Archived: Balkan Modernisms will be the theme of a panel to be organized as part of the Modernist Studies Association's conference in Oklahoma on October 19-22, 2006. "The area has reclaimed its modernist heritage only recently and the long neglect has taken its toll. [...] Conditioned by foreign and domestic cultural politics, the vanishing of the traces of Balkan modernisms often went hand in hand with the disappearance and change of political systems, which we would like to explore. [...] We are interested in documented and undocumented traces of Balkan modernisms—personal archives, legacies, journals, bans and declarations, as well as alternative artistic activities (café-culture, performances, and so forth), and their connections to the European, American, and global modernist movements." Deadline: April 25, 2006.< previous Posting next >
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