From the Media - Part 11

posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/07/12 02:48

[ From the Media ]

On Friday (July 8) a new daily overnight train connection between Istanbul and Thessalonica has started operating. Source:

Istanbul - Thessalonica Express Train Starts Its Trip


ISTANBUL - ''Friendship/Filia Express Train'' has started its trip between Istanbul-Thessalonica on Friday.

Addressing the ceremony held at Istanbul's Sirkeci Train Station on the occasion, Turkish State Railways official Tuncay Gurdal said that the train trips would further improve the friendly relations between Turkey and Greece.

''The trips will leave Istanbul and Thessalonica mutually at 20.00 hours every day and reach its destiny in 11 hours and 45 minutes,'' Gurdal said.

Dimitri Chalepidis, the trade and economy consultant of Greek Consulate General in Istanbul said in his part that the train trips would contribute to consolidation of bilateral relations.

The train which has 4 passengers on its first trip to Thessalonica, has seven sleeping cars and a passenger capacity of 140.



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