Kosovo's building boom, Albania's cultural heritage, Sarajevo's gay parade
[ From the Media ]
BalkanInsight.com ran some potentially interesting stories about Kosovo and Albania that I wasn't able to access as they are "premium content" now (and I'm not yet ready to pay for internet content). Here, at least, the headlines and "teasters":
- Dangers Abound in Kosovo Building Boom: Construction firms are transforming Kosovo’s skyline with one high-rise after another - but as most have no planning permission, buyers could lose in the end.
- Developers Ravage Cultural Heritage of Albania: Historic sites are being flattened or transformed out of recognition by out-of-control real estate boom, muddles over property rights, corruption and a lack of funds to preserve listed buildings.
- Gay Festival Tests Bosnia’s ‘City of Tolerance’: Sarajevo’s first gay festival has triggered public uproar and cast a shadow over the city’s once famous reputation for tolerance.
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