Books - Part 15
posted by mh on 2006/11/26 15:38
[ Books ]
Most papers given at the 2006 Conference of the European Association for Urban History are now available for download online. Direct links to a selection of those relevant for our corner of the world can be accessed by clicking on "more" below. ---Iakovos D. Michailidis: From Christians into Ethnic Members: Creating Borders within the city of Thessaloniki
Hülya Canbakal: Something between the household and the state: Collective agency in the Ottoman empire (17th—18th centuries)
Emily Gunzburger Makas: Competing visions of post-war
Jasenka Gudelj: Sarajevo a
cosmopolitan city
Saygin Salgirli: Urban
encounters in a book of curses: Social types, conflict, and transformation in late seventeenth-
century Istanbul
Ebru Yilmaz: The story of
an urban struggle: From a 19th century city harbour to an urban park in 1990s in Izmir, Turkey
Onur Inal: The reflection of
the Levantine culture on the architectural identity of Izmir
Maria Kyriakidou: "Garden cities", humanism
and utopian socialist ideals: a case in point in early twentieth century Greece
Maya Grekova: The city as
space of difference: Roma in socialist Sofia
Ayse Tekel: The Atatürk
model farm: challenges and opportunities of incorporating the place of nature heritage into urban
development of metropolitan Ankara
Sema Soygenis and Murat Soygenis:
Urban Disintigration in Turkey: Toll for Modernity on Housing
Katja Jerman: The Slovene
town of Nova Gorica: Ethnological perspective of a post-war new town
Guido Zucconi: Cities and
boundaries. The case of Rijeka-Fiume
Branko Cavric: The actors
of townscape change in transitional European city: A case of Croatia capital Zagreb
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