Books - Part 14

posted by mh on 2006/08/05 11:25

[ Books ]

A new volume on Istanbul has been published: Istanbul: Vom Imperialen Herrschersitz zur Megapolis. Ed. Yavuz Köse [with a foreword by Suraiya Faroqhi]. Munich: Martin Meidenbauer, 2006. 450 pp. According to the publisher the book [= the proceedings of the conference "Istanbul im Wandel der Jahrhunderte"] "deals with three main sujects of Istanbul - society, institutions, areas. What influence did classical institutions and establishments have on the development of the metropolis? How do the citizens organize themselves with regard to social, cultural and economic issues? The contributions* offer new insights on the former imperial throne and today's secret capital of Turkey." Contributors include Klaus Kreiser, Suraiya Faroqhi, Christoph K. Neumann, and Oliver Jens Schmitt. The table of contents can be downloaded here (pdf).



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