Calls for Papers - Part 21
posted by mh on 2005/12/27 13:18
[ Calls for Papers ]
Istanbul's Beykent University has announced a call for papers for its 3rd international conference entitled Reinventions of the Identity in the Balkans (May 10-12, 2006; Deadline: February 8, 2006). ---Call for Papers
3rd International Conference
Department of English Language and Literature
Beykent University
Istanbul, Turkey
May 10-12, 2006
Department of English Language and Literature, Beykent University is
pleased to
announce a call for papers for the third international academic conference
entitled "Reinventions of the Identity in the Balkans" to be
held at
Beykent University in Istanbul in May 10-12, 2006. This interdisciplinary
conference aims to bring together scholars and researchers working on
aspects of culture and identity in the Balkans.
We welcome proposals for papers on topics that include, but are not
limited to,
the following:
Politics of Identity
Hybrid Identities
Cultural Specificities of the Region
Language and Identity
Reconstructing and Deconstructing Urban Culture
Role of Religion and Imperialism in Identity Formation
Historical Reinventions of Identity in the Balkans
Dislocations and Relocations of Ethnic, Cultural and Religious
Identity in the
Conference Languages: English and Turkish
The deadline for submission of paper proposals is February 08, 2006.
of no more than 500 words should be sent by e-mail or regular mail to: and
Beykent University
Faculty of Sciences and Letters
Department of English Language and Literature
Gürpýnar E-5 Yol Ayrimi Beykent 34500
Büyükçekmece - Istanbul / Turkey
We are looking forward to your proposals.
The Organizing Committee
Beykent University
Department of English Language and Literature
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