Calls for Papers - Part 4
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/06/19 17:36
[ Calls for Papers ]
The journal Radical History Review, focused on religion and politics, invites papers on theme "Converted Spaces" for its upcoming issue. For an upcoming issue of the journal Radical History Review thatfocuses on religion and politics, we invite authors to write and submit
short articles or essays (12-18 pages, double-spaced) to be published
in a special forum exploring the theme "Converted Spaces." We envision
the forum to include 3-5 pieces that explore the following questions:
How do physical spaces (buildings, streets, shrines, natural
landscapes) function as sites of contestation among competing religious
groups? How do such sites accommodate multiple religious faiths?
In areas where one religious group became displaced by another, how
were physical spaces "converted" from the old to the new faith?
were the social, cultural, and political consequences of such converted
How are sacred spaces "secularized"? How are secular, public, or civic
spaces (courthouses, schools) transformed when religious rituals,
symbols, and/or practices enter them? What are the socio-political and
cultural ramifications of such transformations?
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the Christianization
of non-Christian sacred sites in Europe or regions colonized by
Europeans; the destruction of Muslim mosques in India and their
conversion into Hindu shrines; the use of churches for organizing
dissent in the former Communist nations of Eastern Europe; debates
about wearing head scarves by Muslim girls in French schools; the use
of public schools in the United States for religious education and
programs; the rise and function of so-called 'mega churches' in the
United States; etc. We are interested in historical analyses, as well
pieces analyzing current issues with historical perspectives.
Interested authors should send a proposal to with
"Converted Spaces RHR 99" in the subject line of the e-mail
message. Deadline for proposals is September 1, 2005. If your
proposal is accepted for publication, final essays will be due January
15, 2006.
Duane Corpis
Department of History
Georia State University
Radical History Review Collective
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