Calls for Papers - Part 2

posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/06/06 19:26

[ Calls for Papers ]

The University of Graz' Department of South East European History will host a workshop on Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe in the 20th century on May 18-20, 2006. The paper proposal (200-250 words) should submitted by September 1, 2005. ---
Annoucement forwarded by Gentiana Kera/University of Graz

Workshop: Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe (20th century)

Graz, May 18-20, 2006

The workshop will be organised by the Department of South East European History (University of Graz, Austria) and the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Balkan Societies and Cultures (CSBSC).

Participants: 15-20

The family and household in East and Southeast Europe has increasingly been an object of anthropological and historical research in the last decades. John Hajnal’s conclusion that marriage behaviour in Western Europe was principally different from that in the east has had tremendous impact in the historical studies of European marriage. In recent years, criticism of Hajnal’s model has intensified, as the model is unable to account for the variations in nuptiality in all parts of Europe. While the research done on family and household west of Hajnal’s line has been extensive, less attention has been paid to Eastern Europe. Most of the research here has been concentrated on rural areas.

Therefore, the aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars studying family and household in urban East and Southeast Europe during the 20th century. One concluding session will be dedicated to the discussion on Hajnal’s line.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

1. Marriage patterns
2. Residence patterns
3. Household size and structure
4. Divorce and remarriage
5. Religious, ethnic, economic and social factors influencing patterns of urban household formation
6. The impact of rural-urban migration on the family

Papers addressing the regional differences within a country or between different countries are especially welcome. The organisers are interested in both qualitative and quantitative analyses of family and household. Young scholars from East and Southeast Europe are strongly encouraged to apply.

The paper proposal should be sent to the workshop organisers by September 1, 2005. The proposal should include the paper title, a 200-250 word abstract as well as the author's name, institution, address, e-mail, and a brief academic C.V. The proposal should specify the technical equipment needed for an eventual presentation. The language of workshop will be English.

Organising committee:

- Siegfried Gruber (University of Graz)
- Gentiana Kera (CSBSC)
- Gijs Kessler (International Institute of Social History)
- Enriketa Papa (CSBSC)

Travel and Accommodation

There will be no registration fee for the participants. The organisers of the workshop will cover the accommodation costs of the participants. Efforts are being made to secure the funding of travel costs.

The paper proposals are to be sent to: and



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