From the Media - Part 35
posted by mh on 2006/03/03 15:55
[ From the Media ]
The Macedonian Cultural Heritage Office has announced that it will focus its attention on the revitalization of bazaar quarters over the next 3 years. Among the projects listed as priorities are "Bitola’s old town core, street Marshal Tito and the Bazaar, Ohrid’s old town core, bazaars in Skopje, Struga, Prilep, Kratovo and Gevgelija, town of Krusevo, part of Strumica’s urban architecture, as well as urban parts of Skopje’s center." (1). In other news it was reported that a 17th ct. Turkish hamam in Gevgelija will be restored and adapted for re-use as an art gallery, with financial support from Turkey. (2).< previous Posting next >
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