Call for Applications - Part 5
[ Call for Applications ]
Call for Proposals of the ASO Ljubljana and ASO Sofia:Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana/Slovenia and Sofia/Bulgaria (ASOs) announce a Call for proposals for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between institutions in Austria, the ASO countries Slovenia and Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, including Kosovo).
The call wants to intensify the short-term cooperation in the scientific field of "Information Science and Society in SEE countries" with the aim to support the development of long-term scientific collaboration. Funding is provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (bm:bwk) in the framework of its South Eastern European science cooperation initiative.
This call is open to 9 February 2007 (date of post mark).
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