Digitization of the Cultural Heritage - Part 7
[ Digitization of the Cultural Heritage ]
NODEM 06, Oslo Dec 7-9: Digital interpretation in Cultural Heritage, Art and ScienceFor more information and registration to the conference: http://www.tii.se/v4m/nodem This years nordic conference on digital mediation of cultural heritage and science is hosted by epartment of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. The conference will present use of digital and mobile media for experience and learning in museums from 12 different countries. This will be structured around 5 international keynotes, an exhibition with 20 digital applications, near 30 presentations and research papers from ongoing projects, and hands-on workshops about coming multimedia in museums.
Department for Media and Communication
University of Oslo
Postboks 1093 Blindern
0317 Oslo.
tel. +47 22 85 04 06
mob. 99 72 81 56
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