Postings mit Schlagwort "grants" (2)
Gulliver Connect 2009: Call for Applications
posted by Mira 16 years ago
The Central European Foundation (Bratislava), KulturKontakt (Austria) and The Felix Meritis Foundation (Amsterdam) present a new call for applications for work placements in 2009 for young and up-coming artists, art managers and cultural operators in Europe.
UNIDEE in Residence 2009 Call for Applications
posted by Mira 16 years ago
UniCredit and Unidee establish scholarship grants to offer creative people
coming from Est-European Countries the opportunity to be an active
participant in the Unidee & UniCredit project

Welcome to the [Sofia] weblog, a part of the Kakanien Revisited weblog network. The Team - Dimiter, Assen and Mira - all three PhD students in the Department of History and Theory of Culture at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" will try to create an image - although sometimes a faceted and incoherent one - of the Bulgarian academia, culture, ongoing events, ideas, realities and virtual spaces. All of you - our readers - are warmheartedly invited to join us in this endeavor with your comments and suggestions.

The Sofia Team in Vienna: A working session with the local kakanian penguins