Sofia Miscellanea - Part 8
posted by Dimiter on 2006/11/03 16:28
[ Sofia Miscellanea ]
You know, Joi To was on a short visit in Bulgaria.What are his impressions?
So, Joi did blog somethnig and you can see it here.
From this I've learned couple of things... :))
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Welcome to the [Sofia] weblog, a part of the Kakanien Revisited weblog network. The Team - Dimiter, Assen and Mira - all three PhD students in the Department of History and Theory of Culture at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" will try to create an image - although sometimes a faceted and incoherent one - of the Bulgarian academia, culture, ongoing events, ideas, realities and virtual spaces. All of you - our readers - are warmheartedly invited to join us in this endeavor with your comments and suggestions.
The Sofia Team in Vienna: A working session with the local kakanian penguins