At a Kosovo ski resort...

posted by istanbul on 2008/02/05 03:28

There's been a lot about tourism in the Balkan-related media in recent months, and among the articles I failed to point out here in time, too busy with offline duties, are items with titles such as Tourists flock to Southeast Europe for holidays, At a Kosovo ski resort, a fragile comity endures, Albanian Tourism between Statistics and Reality, or Summer in the Balkans rich in cultural events. Also, Novi Sad's legendary EXIT has received the award for "Best European Festival" (here), and ESI's Verena Kraus has published a guidebook on Kosovo, though it is not, as claimed, "the very first travel guidebook ever written on Kosovo alone" (I have one here, in German; not so great) - "Kosovo has many more secrets to share than is commonly believed."


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